File and Database Backups

Backup frequency

File backups

These are run every 24 hours, and stored externally for 7 days

Database backups

These are run every 24 hours, and stored locally for a total of 7 days (with weekly and monthly snapshots held locally) and externally for 7 days.

Plesk backups

These are run every 24 hours, and stored locally and remotely for a total of 7 days. 

Accessing Databses backups (VPS / Dedicated / Cluster)

They can be accessed via SSH, SCP, SFTP or FTP in the following directory




Do not alter, move or interfere with these backups. Please copy elsewhere to work with any file.

The backups are in gzip format.  In plesk they can be restored with

zcat backupname.sql.gz | mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` databsename

Accessing Database backups (Shared)

If you require a restoration of your site please raise a ticket

Accessing File backups (all packages)

If you require a restoration of your site please raise a ticket

Off-site storage

If you have purchase additional off site storage this will be mounted as read only and accessible


The following paths are excluded from backups
