How to create a staging copy of my site.

These instruction apply only to customers on Cloud or Dedicated hosting packages.
*** Note: these are particular to Dx3webs custom Plesk configuration... be careful if you are not hosted with us. 

High level
1) Copy all files from live subscription  to your dev subscription
2) copy database from live to dev database
3) change base urls in dev database
4) clear any caches

The following is only 1 way to achieve this.
live site:  
live user: live203site
live database : live_databse

dev site :
dev user : dev304site
dev database : dev_database 

your user will need sudo privileges.. please request in a ticket

1) Copy all files from live subscription  to your dev subscription

log in as dev304site

cd /sites/
sudo rm -fr /sites/*
sudo rsync -r -a -v /sites/ /sites/
chown -R dev304site /sites/
 [update DB credential and caches to point to deb db eg.. ] 
[M1]vi app/etc/env.php [or M2] vi app/etc/local.xml

2) copy database from live to dev database

cd /sites/db/daily/live_databse
zcat daily_live_databse _2019-12-20_00h02m_Friday.sql.gz | mysql -u dev_database_user -p dev_database 

3) change base urls in dev database

Log into phpmyadmin in Plesk for the new database. 
Locate core_config_data
Search for %base% to get all base urls
Replace these with your development urls eg

4) clear any caches
Clear any caches
sudo redis-cli flushall
rm -fr /sites/*